Our Blog

Welcome to the SportsSafe blog

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The diagnosis of a mild traumatic brain injury (aka mTBI or concussion) can be very overwhelming and frightening for the child or teen and his/her parents. Because of this, we welcome and expect many questions during concussion visits in our office, and during the recovery process. We consistently strive to answer these questions thoroughly, and with reassurance that they are not the first person to ask certain questions and have certain fears. Patient and parent questions accumulated over the years have allowed us to develop great information resources, which we have pooled together in the SportsSafe blog. Our advice typically comes from either our providers’ experiences in caring for children and teens with mTBI’s, or from other reputable blogs and pediatric resources. These are not limited to, but may include: American Academy of Pediatrics parenting website, CDC’s Head’s Up, Brainline.org, ImPACT’s concussion care resources.

If you have suggestions of topics you’d like us to address on the blog, please email provider@sportssafecbb.com. We’d love to hear from you.