SportsSafe Concussion. Brain. Body.

Pediatric Concussion Clinic - Austin, TX

Injuries happen. We're here to help!


SportsSafe is a pediatric concussion clinic serving patients in the Austin, Texas area. Our team is composed of pediatric providers (MD and pediatric nurse practitioners) with special training in head injury and concussion management. 

We are currently welcoming new patients, including those who have already received a concussion diagnosis, and those who need an assessment to determine if a concussion was sustained. To schedule for a week-day appointment, please call us at 512-458-5323. For evaluation of a head injury after hours, when an ER visit is not warranted, After Hours Kids is a great resource.

SportsSafe Services

Our providers greatly value the time they are able to spend with each patient, creating a specific and detailed recovery plan and providing needed reassurance during the post-injury recovery period.


After a hit, if symptoms are mentioned in addition to soreness at the site of the hit, it’s worth getting evaluated for concussion.

Sports Physical

A sports physical is a physical examination designed to make sure that a child/teen is healthy enough to participate in sports and other athletic activities.

Head Injury

If you have a child who sustains a hard head hit and only reports soreness at the site of the hit and denies all other symptoms this is likely a head injury

Baseline Test

Concussion baseline testing is done prior to your child starting their athletic season and allows us to be able to compare post-injury results to each child's pre-injury norm.

Accepted Insurance

Because many changes have occurred this year in the healthcare industry, we ask that you contact your insurance company to confirm that your doctor is an in-network participating provider for your particular plan.

You will need our tax ID# 741870685 for confirmation of plan participation. This is also highly recommended if you are selecting a new insurance plan, as it is the parent’s responsibility to verify whether or not your doctor is an in-network provider for your insurance. Please contact our billing department if you have any questions about this or need assistance.

We are not contracted providers for Medicaid; therefore, we do not accept patients with Medicaid (primary or secondary) coverage.


Office Hours








9:00 am – 5:00 pm

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

